Starting Seeds

We’re almost ready to start our seedlings. We don’t want them to get too leggy, but we also want to get a jump on the season. Peaceful Valley has a good video about starting seedlings indoors. Peaceful Valley conducted a tomato taste test in 2014, and they provide a narrative description of how they grew the plants from seed to harvest. The last frost in Grass Valley, CA is only a week or so after ours, so the timing of their planting is similar to us here in northern Illinois.

After reading about starting seeds, I learned that peppers do best if allowed to sit between moistened paper towels in a warm place. Even with our southern sun, we have few places that stay “warm” (70 degrees) in our house. I rigged an incubation surface next to the wood stove, which should be warm most of the time.

Pep Germ

The following picture of our osage tree was taken at about 5:15 pm. The days are getting longer, which means more sunlight for our seedlings.
